19.10.13 - 2PM
19.10.13 - 2PM
Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll artist and director bring us by car. She has worked for years as member in the art association. Recently she has moved to the leading position at the direction board, together with Lotte Evenser artist and board member. Both of them share the vision on the art they want to exhibit. The feeling of slight depression among independent artist has now left the atmosphere, and their will to strengthen the visibility of great art and ideas is their main goal.
The house where the shows are exhibited is nice and big. Four rooms includes now the artworks of Markus Lantto, sweedish artist that moves comfortably in the arenas of ready mades, furniture as art, site specific installations and kitchy memories. The first room has been lowered the sealing. It is a simple and powerfull piece, the whole room is lowered to Markus height. No objects, just a low wooden sky on your head. The weight of compression is a great ingredient. Next room presents three pieces in a dialogue. One is a ready made, there is a floor piece made of hundreds of wooden leftovers, and two wall stick-pieces made of wood as one material. The third room contains a diversity of photographies and small objects, a display of memories and kitchy humor. The fourth room contains a videoart loop, where a lady speaks to camera about ordinary facts, while Markus and his collegue Per Kristian Nygård fully naked, move furnitures around the house.
After visiting the show we sit upstairs, in the private area, to have coffee and chocolates (a local standard) and talk about the heimdal project. The conversation is joined by Astrid Wallster Holdbakk, pioneer and founder of HKF and Øyvind Evenser art phd student, researching on the documents that distribute performance art. We show our interest in building alliances for the coming years with all agents in the city. We artists are not competing but promoting each others. We like that idea.
The house where the shows are exhibited is nice and big. Four rooms includes now the artworks of Markus Lantto, sweedish artist that moves comfortably in the arenas of ready mades, furniture as art, site specific installations and kitchy memories. The first room has been lowered the sealing. It is a simple and powerfull piece, the whole room is lowered to Markus height. No objects, just a low wooden sky on your head. The weight of compression is a great ingredient. Next room presents three pieces in a dialogue. One is a ready made, there is a floor piece made of hundreds of wooden leftovers, and two wall stick-pieces made of wood as one material. The third room contains a diversity of photographies and small objects, a display of memories and kitchy humor. The fourth room contains a videoart loop, where a lady speaks to camera about ordinary facts, while Markus and his collegue Per Kristian Nygård fully naked, move furnitures around the house.
After visiting the show we sit upstairs, in the private area, to have coffee and chocolates (a local standard) and talk about the heimdal project. The conversation is joined by Astrid Wallster Holdbakk, pioneer and founder of HKF and Øyvind Evenser art phd student, researching on the documents that distribute performance art. We show our interest in building alliances for the coming years with all agents in the city. We artists are not competing but promoting each others. We like that idea.
This conversation is part of the STRUCTURAL BASIS of FROZEN HEAT,
ONLINE ARTSHOWS (2014-2015) upcoming art series curated by LLLL
as satellites of LAPIEZA ART SERIES.
VITAMIN 026 (I/-)
Hoy la mayoría de las casas gusta sólo a dos personas: al propietario y al arquitecto. La casa tiene que gustar a todos. A diferencia de la obra de arte, que no tiene que gustar a nadie. La obra de arte es asunto privado del artista. La casa no lo es. La obra de arte se introduce en el mundo sin que exista necesidad para ello. La casa cumple una necesidad. La obra de arte no debe rendir cuentas a nadie, la casa a cualquiera. La obra de arte quiere arrancar a las personas de su comodidad. La casa tiene que servir a la comodidad. La obra de arte es revolucionaria, la casa es conservadora. La obra de arte enseña nuevos caminos a la humanidad, piensa en el futuro. La casa piensa en el presente. La persona ama todo lo que sirve para su comodidad. Odia todo lo que quiera arrancarle de su posición acostumbrada y asegurada y le abruma. Y por ello ama la casa y odia el arte.
Adolf Loos
Escritos sobre la casa
Anto Lloveras Lapieza Relational Art Series Markus Lantto Heimdal kunstforening Turid Mathiesen KvålsvollTrondheim, Norway ArtSceneTrondheim Visit MY Trondheim