

We walk randomly around the center of Oslo, we transit through gorgeous architectural scenarios. The center of the Norwegian artscene shows a mixture of romanticism and ratioanalism. We stop at Litterturhuset for a coffee, lots of smiles and people enjoying great food. We walk up the hill to check The Vigeland park and down again to visit the museum of architecture designed by Sverre Fehn, the only norwegian pritzker Price.

We walk around models and installations, where cool emerging norwegian architects under 40 show their latest ideas. Fredrik Lund was twice represented in this show, before he reached his forties, a unique case. We walk the streets again buying ice creams and sparkling water, walking along the Oslo government buildings and arrived at the harbor, next to the Snøhetta studio. We smoke by the water and talk about the current works.

A day later, we are travelling together across the country, passing mythical mountains, and stopping for dinner at the most traditional restaurants, tasting the moose and deer burgers by the national road, across the great park of Rondane. The dinner saloon is very old fashioned, we sit surrounded by stuffed weasels. As we leave the area, we stop briefly at the concrete architecture by his colleague Carl-Viggo Holmebakk, and catch the amazing views to the mountains we will soon be crossing.

Already in the city of Trondheim, we visit Fredriks artist's atelier at the NTNU, here he developes his professorship in architectural teachings, teaching as art. We know Fredrik now for ten years. Fredrik loves to visit Madrid, and to spend hours at the Reina Sofia Museum, studying the spanish and american masters in abstractions from the sixties. We have travelled to Cuenca together, where there is also a great collection of Spanish abstract painters, all surrounded by amazing landscapes, Fredriks main inspiration for his art. The fresh air and the view.

Just by framing the view the whole architectural concept has started, and that is the potential of the architecture of Lund, the empathy with the surroundings and the absolute control of the human activity that will happen inside the wooden walls. We are now ready to make dinner, another daily ritual, where Fredrik acts as guardian of the wonders of hot potatoes with butter and several fresh fish on a warm pan. While we eat in silence, we understand the ritual.

This conversation is part of the STRUCTURAL BASIS of FROZEN HEAT,
ONLINE ARTSHOWS (2014-2015) upcoming art series curated by LLLL
as satellites of LAPIEZA ART SERIES.



El carpintero toma las medidas para puertas y ventanas, y aparecen todos los demás y miden y van a su taller y trabajan. Y luego el campesino remueve un gran perol con cal y hace la casa de un hermoso blanco. Conserva, sin embargo, la brocha, pues por la pascua del año que viene volverá a necesitarla. Él ha querido levantar una casa para sí y para los suyos y para su ganado, y lo ha logrado. Igual que pudo su vecino o su bisabuelo. Como puede cualquier animal que se deja llevar por sus instintos. ¿Es la casa hermosa? Sí, tan hermosa como lo son la rosa o el cardo, el caballo o la vaca. Y, vuelvo a preguntar: ¿por qué un arquitecto, tanto el bueno como el malo, deshonra el lago? El arquitecto no tiene, como casi ningún habitante de la ciudad, cultura alguna. Le falta la seguridad del campesino, que posee cultura. El habitante de la ciudades un desarraigado. Llamo cultura a aquel equilibrio de la persona interior y exterior, lo único que posibilita un pensar y un actuar razonable. Hasta ahora, la historia de la humanidad no contaba con ningún período falto de cultura. Pero entonces aparecieron falsos profetas. Dijeron: qué fea y qué triste es nuestra vida. Y lo reunieron todo de todas las culturas, lo expusieron en museos y dijeron: mirad, eso es belleza, pero vosotros vivís en una deplorable fealdad. Ahí había muebles que eran como casas, llenos de columnas y molduras, ahí había terciopelo y seda. Ahí había, sobre todo, ornamentos.

Adolf Loos
Escritos sobre la casa

Anto Lloveras Lapieza Relational Art Series Marisa Caminos Adolf Loos Fakultet for arkitektur og billedkunst
  — con Fredrik LundAnto LloverasLapieza Relational Art Series y Marisa Caminos.