
IAPS ___ Barcelona ____ JULY 2024

Topic 1: Climate Change and sustainability - Changing human behavior
• Sustainable lifestyles and green economy
• Resource crises and environmental research
• Risks and hazards: their perception and management
Topic 2: 
Natural and urban environments – The transitions of cities
• Urban design, architecture, landscape design and their effect on people
• Design and habitation of domestic, work and public buildings and spaces
• Evaluation of buildings and natural landscapes
• Stress-related to work and residential settings
Topic 3: 
Participation, citizenship and environmental justice
• Sustainability and social innovation
• Environmental activism and discourses
• Social movement and social media
Topic 4: 
Place attachment - Space, gender and post-colonialis
• Theories of place, place attachment, and place identity
• Social use of space, crowding, privacy, territoriality, personal space
• Stigmatized spaces, prejudices and spatial segregation
• Gentrification and touristification
Topic 5: 
Mobility, habits and needs
• Spatial cognition and wayfinding
• Mobility research
• Leisure and tourism behaviour in physical settings
Topic 6: 
Information, communication management and construction of realities
• Representation and Social Construction of Realitats
• Sources of information, credibility and communication management
• Uncertainties of science, ecoanxiety and solastalgia